There are a few things that may be causing the blank/black screen error you are experiencing:
- If the video driver software for your computer is not up to date, this can cause the graphical error you are experiencing. Please click HERE for instructions on how to update your driver through your Device Manager (instructions for Windows 10 are shown, but this should work on most versions of Windows). If you have a standalone video/graphics card, you may want to visit the cards manufacturer's website to update your drivers.
- Issues like this can also sometimes be resolved by running the game as the Administrator. To run an application as the Administrator, right-click on the icon on the desktop, and select 'Run as Administrator' from the drop-down menu. Please note that this may need to be done each time you run the game.
- If the issue persists, while on the black/blank screen, press ALT + ENTER keys simultaneously to try and change the game display window from full screen to windowed mode and lower the game resolution from its settings or options menu.
- If the game doesn't have a resolution setting, Windows allows you to use display scaling to increase the size of text and other items on the screen. When you use scaling in this way, Windows magnifies the size of text and UI elements to the scale you choose. Each account on a computer has a separate setting for scaling. Please click HERE for instructions on how to disable display scaling on high DPI settings.
If none of the above solutions fix your issue and you continue to experience any issues, please be sure to create a support ticket.