If you are encountering problems, a quick search of our support site can locate an article that contains information specific to the error you are experiencing. Sometimes, however, that issue may not be quite so straightforward. In those situations, it is recommended that you look through the information below for some general troubleshooting suggestions.
Should the issue persist after going through the guide, then you will want to create a support ticket that includes as much information as possible. Be sure to include any troubleshooting steps you have already attempted, as well as a GM Log & screenshots of any pertinent information.
Uninstall/Reinstall a Game or the IPlay Games Manager
Whether your issue is with a game or the IPlay Games Manager itself, a quick uninstall/reinstall of one or both will usually fix any corrupted data that may be causing your issue. If you're not sure how to do either, you can use the links below for instructions.
- How to uninstall a game
- How to download/install a game
- How to uninstall the IPlay Games Manager
- How to download/install the IPlay Games Manager
Too Many Running Programs
Every program running on your computer uses RAM (Random Access Memory). Each computer is different in the amount of RAM that it possesses. If you have too little RAM and too many programs running, it can stop your game from starting properly. You can use the information below to close programs you aren't using through the Windows Task Manager.
- Press the CTRL-ALT-DELETE keys on your keyboard at the same time
- Select Task Manager
- Under the Processes tab, you will see all of the applications that are currently open on your computer. Locate the application(s) that you do not need to run, right-click it, and choose 'End task'
Please note that this does not delete the program from your computer; it just shuts it down until it is started back up, either manually by you or by restarting your computer.
Update Graphics Card Drivers
Out-of-date graphics card drivers can cause all sorts of issues, from not being able to launch your game to the game crashing or just not looking quite right. Use the link below for instructions on how to update your graphics card drivers.
- To update graphics card drivers, click HERE
Update Windows
If your Windows system is not up-to-date, you may also experience issues with some games and other applications. Use the information below to manually update your copy of Windows.
- Click the settings cog wheel on the taskbar
- Click 'Windows Update' from the list on the left
If there is an update available, you will be able to download/install it from here. Please note that you can also change to automatically update Windows.
If your issue persists after going through the guide, the links below will explain how to collect a GM Log file, along with any screenshots that may help to better explain what your issue is.
- Click HERE for instructions on how to collect a GM Log file
- Click HERE for instructions on how to collect a screenshot
Add the Log file and/or screenshots to a new/existing ticket or email.
Click HERE to submit a ticket to Customer Support.